Read All Custom Properties using SOLIDWORKS Document Manager API

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SOLIDWORKS custom properties
SOLIDWORKS custom properties

This VBA macro demonstrates how to read all custom properties from all sources (general file properties, configuration specific and cut-list item properties) using SOLIDWORKS Document Manager API.

All the results output to the immediate window of VBA editor in the following format.

General Custom Properties
    Property: ApprovedDate
    Value/Text Expression: 12/09/2019
    Evaluated Value: 12/09/2019
    Type: Date

Configuration Specific Properties
        Property: ApprovedDate
        Value/Text Expression: 12/09/2019
        Evaluated Value: 12/09/2019
        Type: Date

        Property: ApprovedDate
        Value/Text Expression: 12/09/2019
        Evaluated Value: 12/09/2019
        Type: Date

Cut List Properties
            Property: Bounding Box Length
            Value/Text Expression: "SW-Bounding Box Length@@@Sheet<1>@Part3.SLDPRT"
            Evaluated Value: 100
            Type: Text

            Property: Bounding Box Length
            Value/Text Expression: "SW-Bounding Box Length@@@Sheet<1>@CS-02.SLDPRT"
            Evaluated Value: 150
            Type: Text

Specify the full path of the file in the FILE_PATH constant.

Const SW_DM_KEY As String = "Your license key"

Const FILE_PATH As String = "C:\SampleModel.SLDPRT"

Dim swDmClassFactory As SwDocumentMgr.swDmClassFactory
Dim swDmApp As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMApplication

Sub main()

    Set swDmClassFactory = CreateObject("SwDocumentMgr.SwDMClassFactory")
    If Not swDmClassFactory Is Nothing Then
        Set swDmApp = swDmClassFactory.GetApplication(SW_DM_KEY)
        Dim swDmDoc As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMDocument19
        Set swDmDoc = OpenDocument(FILE_PATH, True)
        PrintGeneralProperties swDmDoc
        PrintConfigurationSpecificProperties swDmDoc
        PrintCutListProperties swDmDoc
        MsgBox "Document Manager SDK is not installed"
    End If
End Sub

Sub PrintGeneralProperties(dmDoc As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMDocument19)
    Dim vNames As Variant
    Dim vTypes As Variant
    Dim vLinkedTo As Variant
    Dim vValues As Variant
    dmDoc.GetAllCustomPropertyNamesAndValues vNames, vTypes, vLinkedTo, vValues
    Debug.Print "General Custom Properties"
    PrintProperties vNames, vTypes, vLinkedTo, vValues, "    "
End Sub

Sub PrintConfigurationSpecificProperties(dmDoc As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMDocument19)
    Dim vConfNames As Variant
    vConfNames = dmDoc.ConfigurationManager.GetConfigurationNames()
    Dim i As Integer
    Debug.Print "Configuration Specific Properties"
    For i = 0 To UBound(vConfNames)
        Dim confName As String
        confName = vConfNames(i)
        Dim swDmConf As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMConfiguration13
        Set swDmConf = dmDoc.ConfigurationManager.GetConfigurationByName(confName)
        Dim vNames As Variant
        Dim vTypes As Variant
        Dim vLinkedTo As Variant
        Dim vValues As Variant
        'NOTE: order of resolved and expressions is not correct for configurations in SW DM API, so reversing the variables
        swDmConf.GetAllCustomPropertyNamesAndValues vNames, vTypes, vValues, vLinkedTo
        Debug.Print "    " & confName
        PrintProperties vNames, vTypes, vLinkedTo, vValues, "        "
End Sub

Sub PrintCutListProperties(dmDoc As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMDocument19)

    Dim vConfNames As Variant
    vConfNames = dmDoc.ConfigurationManager.GetConfigurationNames()
    Dim i As Integer
    Debug.Print "Cut List Properties"
    For i = 0 To UBound(vConfNames)
        Dim confName As String
        confName = vConfNames(i)
        Dim swDmConf As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMConfiguration16
        Set swDmConf = dmDoc.ConfigurationManager.GetConfigurationByName(confName)
        Dim vCutListItems As Variant
        vCutListItems = swDmConf.GetCutListItems
        Debug.Print "    " & confName
        If Not IsEmpty(vCutListItems) Then
            Dim j As Integer
            For j = 0 To UBound(vCutListItems)
                Dim swDmCutList As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMCutListItem3
                Set swDmCutList = vCutListItems(j)
                Dim vNames As Variant
                Dim prpTypes() As SwDmCustomInfoType
                Dim prpLinkedTo() As String
                Dim prpValues() As String
                vNames = swDmCutList.GetCustomPropertyNames()
                If Not IsEmpty(vNames) Then
                    ReDim prpTypes(UBound(vNames))
                    ReDim prpLinkedTo(UBound(vNames))
                    ReDim prpValues(UBound(vNames))
                    Dim k As Integer
                    For k = 0 To UBound(vNames)
                        prpValues(k) = swDmCutList.GetCustomPropertyValue2(CStr(vNames(k)), prpTypes(k), prpLinkedTo(k))
                    PrintProperties vNames, prpTypes, prpLinkedTo, prpValues, "            "
                End If
            Debug.Print "        -No Cut Lists-"
        End If

End Sub

Sub PrintProperties(vPrpNames As Variant, vTypes As Variant, vLinkedTo As Variant, vValues As Variant, indent As String)
    Dim i As Integer
    If Not IsEmpty(vPrpNames) Then
        For i = 0 To UBound(vPrpNames)
            Dim prpName As String
            prpName = vPrpNames(i)
            Dim prpVal As String
            Dim prpResVal As String
            prpResVal = vValues(i)
            prpVal = vLinkedTo(i)
            If prpVal = "" Then
                prpVal = prpResVal
            End If
            Dim prpType As String
            Select Case vTypes(i)
                Case SwDmCustomInfoType.swDmCustomInfoDate
                    prpType = "Date"
                Case SwDmCustomInfoType.swDmCustomInfoNumber
                    prpType = "Number"
                Case SwDmCustomInfoType.swDmCustomInfoText
                    prpType = "Text"
                Case SwDmCustomInfoType.swDmCustomInfoYesOrNo
                    prpType = "YesNo"
                Case SwDmCustomInfoType.swDmCustomInfoUnknown
                    prpType = "Unknown"
            End Select
            Debug.Print indent & "Property: " & prpName
            Debug.Print indent & "Value/Text Expression: " & prpVal
            Debug.Print indent & "Evaluated Value: " & prpResVal
            Debug.Print indent & "Type: " & prpType
            Debug.Print ""
        Debug.Print indent & "-No Properties-"
    End If
End Sub

Function OpenDocument(filePath As String, readOnly As Boolean) As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMDocument19
    Dim openErr As SwDmDocumentOpenError
    Dim docType As SwDocumentMgr.SwDmDocumentType
    Dim ext As String
    ext = LCase(Right(filePath, Len(".SLDXXX")))
    Select Case ext
        Case ".sldprt"
            docType = swDmDocumentPart
        Case ".sldasm"
            docType = swDmDocumentAssembly
        Case ".slddrw"
            docType = swDmDocumentDrawing
    End Select
    Dim swDmDoc As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMDocument19
    Set swDmDoc = swDmApp.GetDocument(filePath, docType, readOnly, openErr)
    If swDmDoc Is Nothing Then
        err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to open document: " & openErr
    End If
    Set OpenDocument = swDmDoc
End Function

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