Copy documents tree using SOLIDWORKS Document Manager API

This example demonstrates how to copy the assembly or drawing tree to a new location using SOLIDWORKS Document Manager API. Macro allows to add suffix to each file in the tree. Macro will preserve and replace all the required references on all levels of the assembly.
Specify the input file to move, destination folder and suffix in the constants at the beginning of the macro
Const FILE_PATH As String = "D:\Input\Assm1.SLDASM" 'full path to an input assembly or drawing Const DEST_FOLDER As String = "D:\Output" 'Destination location. Do not add the backslash '\' at the end of the folder path Const SUFFIX As String = "_CodeStack" 'Suffix to add to each file in the tree
ISwDMApplication::CopyDocument Document Manager API is used to perform copying of files and all references.
Const FILE_PATH As String = "D:\Input\Assm1.SLDASM" Const DEST_FOLDER As String = "D:\Output" Const SUFFIX As String = "_CodeStack" Const LIC_KEY As String = "YOUR LICENSE KEY" Dim swDmApp As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMApplication4 Sub main() Dim swClassFact As SwDocumentMgr.swDmClassFactory Set swClassFact = New SwDocumentMgr.swDmClassFactory Set swDmApp = swClassFact.GetApplication(LIC_KEY) If Not swDmApp Is Nothing Then Dim i As Integer Dim srcChildren As Variant Dim destChildren() As String Dim destFilePath As String destFilePath = CreateDestinationPath(FILE_PATH, DEST_FOLDER, SUFFIX) srcChildren = GetReferencedDocuments(FILE_PATH) ReDim destChildren(UBound(srcChildren)) For i = 0 To UBound(srcChildren) destChildren(i) = CreateDestinationPath(CStr(srcChildren(i)), DEST_FOLDER, SUFFIX) Next Debug.Print swDmApp.CopyDocument(FILE_PATH, destFilePath, srcChildren, destChildren, swMoveCopyOptions_e.swMoveCopyOptionsOverwriteExistingDocs, CreateSearchData()) End If End Sub Function CreateDestinationPath(srcPath As String, destFolder As String, suff As String) Dim fileName As String Dim ext As String fileName = Mid(srcPath, InStrRev(srcPath, "\"), InStrRev(srcPath, ".") - InStrRev(srcPath, "\")) ext = Right(srcPath, Len(srcPath) - InStrRev(srcPath, ".") + 1) CreateDestinationPath = destFolder & fileName & suff & ext End Function Function GetReferencedDocuments(filePath As String) As Variant Dim refDocs() As String Dim isInit As Boolean isInit = False Dim swDmDoc As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMDocument19 Dim searchOpts As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMSearchOption Set searchOpts = CreateSearchData Set swDmDoc = OpenDocument(filePath) If Not swDmDoc Is Nothing Then Dim vBrokenRefs As Variant Dim vVirtComps As Variant Dim vTimeStamps As Variant Dim vFilePaths As Variant vFilePaths = swDmDoc.GetAllExternalReferences4(searchOpts, vBrokenRefs, vVirtComps, vTimeStamps) If Not IsEmpty(vFilePaths) Then Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To UBound(vFilePaths) Dim childFilePath As String childFilePath = vFilePaths(i) If Not isInit Then ReDim refDocs(0) refDocs(0) = childFilePath isInit = True ElseIf Not Contains(refDocs, childFilePath) Then ReDim Preserve refDocs(UBound(refDocs) + 1) refDocs(UBound(refDocs)) = childFilePath End If Dim vChildRefs As Variant vChildRefs = GetReferencedDocuments(childFilePath) If Not IsEmpty(vChildRefs) Then Dim j As Integer For j = 0 To UBound(vChildRefs) If Not Contains(refDocs, CStr(vChildRefs(j))) Then ReDim Preserve refDocs(UBound(refDocs) + 1) refDocs(UBound(refDocs)) = vChildRefs(j) End If Next End If Next Else GetReferencedDocuments = Empty Exit Function End If Else err.Raise vbObjectError, "", "Failed to open document: " & filePath End If GetReferencedDocuments = refDocs End Function Function OpenDocument(filePath As String) As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMDocument19 Dim err As SwDmDocumentOpenError Dim docType As SwDocumentMgr.SwDmDocumentType Dim ext As String ext = LCase(Right(filePath, 6)) Select Case ext Case "sldprt" docType = swDmDocumentPart Case "sldasm" docType = swDmDocumentAssembly Case "slddrw" docType = swDmDocumentDrawing End Select Dim swDmDoc As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMDocument19 Set swDmDoc = swDmApp.GetDocument(filePath, docType, True, err) Set OpenDocument = swDmDoc End Function Function CreateSearchData() As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMSearchOption Dim searchOpts As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMSearchOption Set searchOpts = swDmApp.GetSearchOptionObject searchOpts.SearchFilters = SwDmSearchFilters.SwDmSearchExternalReference + SwDmSearchFilters.SwDmSearchRootAssemblyFolder + SwDmSearchFilters.SwDmSearchSubfolders + SwDmSearchFilters.SwDmSearchInContextReference Set CreateSearchData = searchOpts End Function Function Contains(arr As Variant, item As String) As Boolean Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To UBound(arr) If LCase(arr(i)) = LCase(item) Then Contains = True Exit Function End If Next Contains = False End Function