How to fix merged SOLIDWORKS macro errors

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SOLIDWORKS macros work correctly independently but failed to work when merged to one. Possibly, the error is displayed: Run-time error '424': Object required

Run-time error '424': Object required when running the macro
Run-time error '424': Object required when running the macro


  • Merged macros might not be compatible
  • There might be required initialization from the source macro which was not copied to the destination macro
  • Variable naming might be different between source and target macros

Code block inserted from recorded macro
Code block inserted from recorded macro


  • Identify which line fails
  • Check the state of variables. Hover the mouse and see if it is not shown as *Nothing *in the tooltip.
  • Make sure that the correct portion of the macro is copied
  • Make sure that required initialization is copied as well (if applicable)
  • Make sure that the variables naming is consistent

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