Macro to set shaded and wireframe image quality settings in SOLIDWORKS document
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This VBA macro changes the tesselation settings of Shaded and draft quality HLR/HLV resolution and Wireframe and high quality HLT/HLV resolution settings in the SOLIDWORKS documents
This allows to change the quality of tesselation which affects the perfromance and size of the file. Lower quality improves the performance and decreases the file size, file higher quality reduces the performance and increases the file size.
Macro can be configured by specifying the percentage of the position of the slider
Const SHADED_DRAFT_QUALITY_RESOLUTION As Double = 0.25 '0 for minumum, 1 for maximum, 0.5 for the middle position Const WIREFRAME_HIGHT_QUALITY_RESOLUTION As Double = 0.25 '0 for minumum, 1 for maximum, 0.5 for the middle position
Const SHADED_DRAFT_QUALITY_RESOLUTION As Double = 0.5 '0 to 1 Const WIREFRAME_HIGHT_QUALITY_RESOLUTION As Double = 0.5 '0 to 1 Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks Sub main() Set swApp = Application.SldWorks Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2 Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc Const QUALITY_MIN As Integer = 0 Const QUALITY_MAX As Integer = 106 Dim qualVal As Integer qualVal = CInt(QUALITY_MIN + (QUALITY_MAX - QUALITY_MIN) * SHADED_DRAFT_QUALITY_RESOLUTION) swModel.SetTessellationQuality qualVal Const WIREFRAME_HIGHT_QUALITY_RESOLUTION_MIN As Integer = 1 Const WIREFRAME_HIGHT_QUALITY_RESOLUTION_MAX As Integer = 100 Dim wireframeResVal As Integer wireframeResVal = CInt(WIREFRAME_HIGHT_QUALITY_RESOLUTION_MIN + (WIREFRAME_HIGHT_QUALITY_RESOLUTION_MAX - WIREFRAME_HIGHT_QUALITY_RESOLUTION_MIN) * WIREFRAME_HIGHT_QUALITY_RESOLUTION) If False = swModel.Extension.SetUserPreferenceInteger(swUserPreferenceIntegerValue_e.swImageQualityWireframeValue, swUserPreferenceOption_e.swDetailingNoOptionSpecified, wireframeResVal) Then Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to set the image quality wireframe resolution" End If swModel.SetSaveFlag End Sub