Script extract mass properties of file using SOLIDWORKS API
This example demonstrates how to extract mass properties from the specified file using vbScript via SOLIDWORKS API.
- Create a text file and name it as get-mass-prps.vbs
- Copy-paste the following code into the file
Dim swApp Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application") Dim filePath filePath = InputBox("Specify the path to the part file") Dim docSpec Set docSpec = swApp.GetOpenDocSpec(filePath) docSpec.ReadOnly = True docSpec.Silent = True Dim swModel Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc7(docSpec) Dim swMassPrps Set swMassPrps = swModel.Extension.CreateMassProperty() MsgBox "Mass: " & swMassPrps.Mass & vbLf & "Volume: " & swMassPrps.Volume & vbLf & "Surface area: " & swMassPrps.SurfaceArea swApp.CloseDoc swModel.GetTitle()
- Save the file
- Double click to run the script
- Specify the full path to a SOLIDWORKS file (part or assembly) in the displayed input box
- As the result the following message box is displayed with mass property values