Script generates model from input parameters using SOLIDWORKS API
This PowerShell script allows generating model using SOLIDWORKS API based on the template with specified parameters
- Create two files and paste the code from the below snippets
$curDir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $templateFilePath = $curDir + "\template.SLDPRT" $outFilePath=$args[0] $width=$args[1] $length=$args[2] $height=$args[3] $Source = @" Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Public Class ModelGenerator Public Shared Sub GenerateModelFromTemplate(templatePath as String, outFilePath As String, width As String, length As String, height As String) Dim swApp As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("SldWorks.Application")) swApp.CommandInProgress = True swApp.UserControlBackground = True If swApp Is Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to SOLIDWORKS instance") Exit Sub End If Const PARAM_WIDTH As String = "Width@Base" Const PARAM_LENGTH As String = "Length@Base" Const PARAM_HEIGHT As String = "Height@Boss" Dim openDocSpec As Object Console.WriteLine("Opening template model: " + templatePath) openDocSpec = swApp.GetOpenDocSpec(templatePath) openDocSpec.Silent = True openDocSpec.ReadOnly = True Dim model As Object = swApp.OpenDoc7(openDocSpec) If model IsNot Nothing Then Try Console.WriteLine("Setting parameters") Dim parameters As New Dictionary(Of String, Double) parameters.Add(PARAM_WIDTH, Double.Parse(width)) parameters.Add(PARAM_LENGTH, Double.Parse(length)) parameters.Add(PARAM_HEIGHT, Double.Parse(height)) For Each paramData As KeyValuePair(Of String, Double) In parameters Dim paramName As String = paramData.Key Dim param As Object = model.Parameter(paramName) If param IsNot Nothing Then Const swSetValue_InAllConfigurations As Integer = 2 Const swSetValue_Successful As Integer = 0 Dim paramValue As Double = paramData.Value If param.SetSystemValue3(paramValue, swSetValue_InAllConfigurations, Nothing) = swSetValue_Successful Then Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}={1}", paramName, paramValue)) Else Throw New Exception(String.Format("Failed to set the parameter {0} to {1} ", paramName, paramValue)) End If Else Throw New Exception("Failed to find the parameter: " + paramName) End If Next Console.WriteLine("Saving model to " + outFilePath) Const swSaveAsCurrentVersion As Integer = 0 Const swSaveAsOptions_Silent As Integer = 1 Const swSaveAsOptions_Copy As Integer = 2 model.ForceRebuild3(False) If model.Extension.GetWhatsWrongCount() > 0 Then Console.WriteLine("Model has rebuild errors") End If Dim err As Integer = model.SaveAs3(outFilePath, swSaveAsCurrentVersion, swSaveAsOptions_Silent + swSaveAsOptions_Copy) If err <> 0 Then Throw New Exception(String.Format("Failed to save document to {0}. Error code: {1}", outFilePath, err)) End If Catch ex As Exception Console.WriteLine("Error: " & ex.Message) Finally swApp.CommandInProgress = False Dim modelTitle As String = model.GetTitle() System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(model) model = Nothing GC.Collect() swApp.CloseDoc(modelTitle) End Try Else Console.WriteLine("Failed to open template model " + templatePath) End If End Sub End Class "@ Add-Type -TypeDefinition $Source -Language VisualBasic [ModelGenerator]::GenerateModelFromTemplate($templateFilePath, $outFilePath, $width, $length, $height)
SET inputFilePath=%1 SET outFilePath=%2 SET outFilePath=%1 SET width=%2 SET length=%3 SET height=%4 PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "%~dp0model-generator.ps1" %outFilePath% %width% %length% %height%
Download Template Model and save it to the same folder where the above two scripts are saved.
This is template model which has 3 driving parameters: width, height and length.
This will be modified by the script and saved to a new file.
- Start the command line and execute the following command
[Full Path To model-generator.cmd] [Full Path To Output SOLIDWORKS file] [Width] [Length] [Height]
As the result the file is generated and the process log is displayed directly in the console:
Template file is not modified and the resulting model is saved with the parameters updated.