Export flat pattern to DXF/DWG from part SOLIDWORKS API
This VBA macro exports the sheet metal part or selected flat pattern feature in the multi-body sheet metal part to the DXF or DWG.
Change the value of OUT_PATH variable to save output to different location (change the extension to export to DXF or DWG).
Enum SheetMetalOptions_e ExportFlatPatternGeometry = 1 IncludeHiddenEdges = 2 ExportBendLines = 4 IncludeSketches = 8 MergeCoplanarFaces = 16 ExportLibraryFeatures = 32 ExportFormingTools = 64 ExportBoundingBox = 2048 End Enum Const OUT_PATH As String = "D:\sm.dwg" Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks Sub main() Set swApp = Application.SldWorks Dim swPart As SldWorks.PartDoc Set swPart = swApp.ActiveDoc Dim modelPath As String modelPath = swPart.GetPathName If modelPath = "" Then Err.Raise vbError, "", "Part document must be saved" End If If False = swPart.ExportToDWG2(OUT_PATH, modelPath, swExportToDWG_e.swExportToDWG_ExportSheetMetal, True, Empty, False, False, SheetMetalOptions_e.ExportFlatPatternGeometry + SheetMetalOptions_e.ExportBendLines, Empty) Then Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to export flat pattern" End If End Sub