VSTA Macro which activates feature manager tab via SOLIDWORKS API

This example demonstrates how to activate standard tabs (feature manager tree, property manager, configuration manager, DimXpert manager, display manager) in the feature manager view using SOLIDWORKS API.
- Specify the tab to activate using the FeatMgrTab_e enumeration
- Run the macro (VSTA3)
- Active tab is shown in the message box
- Specified tab is activated
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks { public enum FeatMgrTab_e { FeatureManagerTree, PropertyManager, ConfigurationManager, DimXpertManager, DisplayManager } public static class ModelDocExtension { private static Dictionary<int, FeatMgrTab_e> GetTabsMap(IModelViewManager mdlViewMgr) { return new Dictionary<int, FeatMgrTab_e>() { { mdlViewMgr.GetFeatureManagerTreeTabIndex(), FeatMgrTab_e.FeatureManagerTree }, { mdlViewMgr.GetPropertyManagerTabIndex(), FeatMgrTab_e.PropertyManager }, { mdlViewMgr.GetConfigurationManagerTabIndex(), FeatMgrTab_e.ConfigurationManager }, { mdlViewMgr.GetDimXpertManagerTabIndex(), FeatMgrTab_e.DimXpertManager }, { mdlViewMgr.GetDisplayManagerTabIndex(), FeatMgrTab_e.DisplayManager } }; } public static void ActivateStandardFeatureManagerTab(this IModelDoc2 model, FeatMgrTab_e tab) { var mdlViewMgr = model.ModelViewManager; mdlViewMgr.ActiveFeatureManagerTabIndex = GetTabsMap(mdlViewMgr).First(x => x.Value == tab).Key; } public static FeatMgrTab_e GetActiveStandardFeatureManagerTab(this IModelDoc2 model) { var mdlViewMgr = model.ModelViewManager; FeatMgrTab_e tab; if (!GetTabsMap(mdlViewMgr).TryGetValue(mdlViewMgr.ActiveFeatureManagerTabIndex, out tab)) { throw new NullReferenceException("Active tab is not a standard tab"); } return tab; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Forms; using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks; using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst; namespace ActivateFeatMgrTab { public partial class SolidWorksMacro { public void Main() { var model = swApp.IActiveDoc2; try { if (model != null) { swApp.SendMsgToUser(string.Format("Active Feature Manager Tab: {0}", model.GetActiveStandardFeatureManagerTab())); model.ActivateStandardFeatureManagerTab(FeatMgrTab_e.DisplayManager); } else { throw new NullReferenceException("Model is not opened"); } } catch(Exception ex) { swApp.SendMsgToUser2(ex.Message, (int)swMessageBoxIcon_e.swMbStop, (int)swMessageBoxBtn_e.swMbOk); } return; } public SldWorks swApp; } }