Export dimensions information from SOLIDWORKS drawing to CSV file
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This VBA macro allows to export information of all dimensions in the active drawing to the CSV file which can be opened by Excel.
Macro includes the following information into the report:
- Name - full name of the dimension
- Owner - name of the drawing view or sheet this dimension belongs to
- Type - type of the dimension (e.g. linear, angular, ordinate, etc.)
- X - X position of the dimension in the current drawing units
- Y - Y position of the dimension in the current drawing units
- Value - value of the dimension in the current units
- Grid Ref - reference of this dimension in the drawing grid (e.g. A5)
- Tolerance - type of the tolerance assigned to this dimension (e.g. basic, symmetric, etc.)
- Min - Minimum value of the tolerance in the current units
- Max - Maximum value of the tolerance in the current units
Output file is saved into the same folder as original drawing and named [drawing name]-dimensions.csv
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks Sub main() Set swApp = Application.SldWorks try_: On Error GoTo catch_: Dim swDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc Set swDraw = swApp.ActiveDoc If swDraw Is Nothing Then Err.Raise vbError, "", "Please open drawing" End If ExportDrawingDimensions swDraw GoTo finally_ catch_: swApp.SendMsgToUser2 Err.Description, swMessageBoxIcon_e.swMbStop, swMessageBoxBtn_e.swMbOk finally_: End Sub Sub ExportDrawingDimensions(draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc) Dim vSheets As Variant vSheets = draw.GetViews Dim fileNmb As Integer fileNmb = FreeFile Dim filePath As String filePath = draw.GetPathName If filePath = "" Then Err.Raise vbError, "", "Please save drawing document" End If filePath = Left(filePath, InStrRev(filePath, ".") - 1) & "-dimensions.csv" Open filePath For Output As #fileNmb Dim header As String header = Join("Name", "Owner", "Type", "X", "Y", "Value", "Grid Ref", "Tolerance", "Min", "Max") Print #fileNmb, header Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To UBound(vSheets) Dim vViews As Variant vViews = vSheets(i) Dim j As Integer For j = 0 To UBound(vViews) Dim swView As SldWorks.view Set swView = vViews(j) ExportViewDimensions swView, draw, fileNmb Next Next Close #fileNmb End Sub Sub ExportViewDimensions(view As SldWorks.view, draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc, fileNmb As Integer) Dim swDispDim As SldWorks.DisplayDimension Set swDispDim = view.GetFirstDisplayDimension5 Dim swSheet As SldWorks.Sheet Set swSheet = view.Sheet If swSheet Is Nothing Then Set swSheet = draw.Sheet(view.name) End If While Not swDispDim Is Nothing Dim swAnn As SldWorks.Annotation Set swAnn = swDispDim.GetAnnotation Dim vPos As Variant vPos = swAnn.GetPosition() Dim swDim As SldWorks.dimension Set swDim = swDispDim.GetDimension2(0) Dim drwZone As String drwZone = swSheet.GetDrawingZone(vPos(0), vPos(1)) vPos = GetPositionInDrawingUnits(vPos, draw) Dim tolType As String Dim minVal As Double Dim maxVal As Double GetDimensionTolerance draw, swDim, tolType, minVal, maxVal OutputDimensionData fileNmb, swDim.FullName, view.name, GetDimensionType(swDispDim), CDbl(vPos(0)), CDbl(vPos(1)), _ CDbl(swDim.GetValue3(swInConfigurationOpts_e.swThisConfiguration, Empty)(0)), _ drwZone, tolType, minVal, maxVal Set swDispDim = swDispDim.GetNext5 Wend End Sub Function GetPositionInDrawingUnits(pos As Variant, draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc) As Variant Dim dPt(1) As Double dPt(0) = ConvertToUserUnits(draw, CDbl(pos(0)), swLengthUnit) dPt(1) = ConvertToUserUnits(draw, CDbl(pos(1)), swLengthUnit) GetPositionInDrawingUnits = dPt End Function Function ConvertToUserUnits(model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, val As Double, unitType As swUserUnitsType_e) As Double Dim swUserUnit As SldWorks.UserUnit Set swUserUnit = model.GetUserUnit(unitType) Dim convFactor As Double convFactor = swUserUnit.GetConversionFactor() ConvertToUserUnits = val * convFactor End Function Function GetDimensionType(dispDim As SldWorks.DisplayDimension) As String Select Case dispDim.Type2 Case swDimensionType_e.swAngularDimension GetDimensionType = "Angular" Case swDimensionType_e.swArcLengthDimension GetDimensionType = "ArcLength" Case swDimensionType_e.swChamferDimension GetDimensionType = "Chamfer" Case swDimensionType_e.swDiameterDimension GetDimensionType = "Diameter" Case swDimensionType_e.swDimensionTypeUnknown GetDimensionType = "Unknown" Case swDimensionType_e.swHorLinearDimension GetDimensionType = "HorLinear" Case swDimensionType_e.swHorOrdinateDimension GetDimensionType = "HorOrdinate" Case swDimensionType_e.swLinearDimension GetDimensionType = "Linear" Case swDimensionType_e.swOrdinateDimension GetDimensionType = "Ordinate" Case swDimensionType_e.swRadialDimension GetDimensionType = "Radial" Case swDimensionType_e.swScalarDimension GetDimensionType = "Scalar" Case swDimensionType_e.swVertLinearDimension GetDimensionType = "VertLinear" Case swDimensionType_e.swVertOrdinateDimension GetDimensionType = "VertOrdinate" Case swDimensionType_e.swZAxisDimension GetDimensionType = "ZAxis" End Select End Function Sub GetDimensionTolerance(draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc, swDim As SldWorks.dimension, ByRef tolType As String, ByRef minVal As Double, ByRef maxVal As Double) Dim swTol As SldWorks.DimensionTolerance Set swTol = swDim.Tolerance Select Case swTol.Type Case swTolType_e.swTolBASIC tolType = "Basic" Case swTolType_e.swTolBILAT tolType = "Bilat" Case swTolType_e.swTolBLOCK tolType = "Block" Case swTolType_e.swTolFIT tolType = "Fit" Case swTolType_e.swTolFITTOLONLY tolType = "FitTolOnly" Case swTolType_e.swTolFITWITHTOL tolType = "FitWithTol" Case swTolType_e.swTolGeneral tolType = "General" Case swTolType_e.swTolLIMIT tolType = "Limit" Case swTolType_e.swTolMAX tolType = "Max" Case swTolType_e.swTolMETRIC tolType = "Metric" Case swTolType_e.swTolMIN tolType = "Min" Case swTolType_e.swTolNONE tolType = "None" Case swTolType_e.swTolSYMMETRIC tolType = "Symmetric" End Select swTol.GetMinValue2 minVal swTol.GetMaxValue2 maxVal Dim unitType As swUserUnitsType_e If swDim.GetType() = swDimensionParamType_e.swDimensionParamTypeDoubleAngular Then unitType = swUserUnitsType_e.swAngleUnit Else unitType = swUserUnitsType_e.swLengthUnit End If minVal = ConvertToUserUnits(draw, minVal, unitType) maxVal = ConvertToUserUnits(draw, maxVal, unitType) End Sub Sub OutputDimensionData(fileNmb As Integer, dimName As String, owner As String, dimType As String, x As Double, y As Double, value As Double, gridRef As String, tol As String, min As Double, max As Double) Dim line As String line = Join(dimName, owner, dimType, x, y, value, gridRef, tol, min, max) Print #fileNmb, line End Sub Function Join(ParamArray parts() As Variant) As String Dim res As String If Not IsEmpty(parts) Then Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To UBound(parts) res = res & IIf(i = 0, "", ", ") & parts(i) Next End If Join = res End Function