Write summary information to the active file using SOLIDWORKS API
This VBA macro fills the Summary Information tab (author, keywords, comments, title and subject) of custom properties of active model using SOLIDWORKS API.
Configure the macro and specify the values to write:
Const AUTHOR As String = "CodeStack" Const KEYWORDS As String = "sample,summary,api" Const COMMENTS As String = "Example comments" Const TITLE As String = "Summary API Example" Const SUBJECT As String = "CodeStack API Examples"
Const AUTHOR As String = "CodeStack" Const KEYWORDS As String = "sample,summary,api" Const COMMENTS As String = "Example comments" Const TITLE As String = "Summary API Example" Const SUBJECT As String = "CodeStack API Examples" Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks Sub main() Set swApp = Application.SldWorks Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2 Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc If Not swModel Is Nothing Then swModel.SummaryInfo(swSummInfoField_e.swSumInfoAuthor) = AUTHOR swModel.SummaryInfo(swSummInfoField_e.swSumInfoKeywords) = KEYWORDS swModel.SummaryInfo(swSummInfoField_e.swSumInfoComment) = COMMENTS swModel.SummaryInfo(swSummInfoField_e.swSumInfoTitle) = TITLE swModel.SummaryInfo(swSummInfoField_e.swSumInfoSubject) = SUBJECT Else MsgBox "Please open model" End If End Sub