Options of SOLIDWORKS Property Manager Page
- Icon of the property manager page
- Title of the property manager page
- Links to documentation (what's new and help)
- Control buttons (OK and Cancel)
- Optional user message title
- Optional user message content
Property manager page style can be customized by applying the PageOptionsAttribute onto the main class of the data model.
[PageOptions(swPropertyManagerPageOptions_e.swPropertyManagerOptions_CancelButton | swPropertyManagerPageOptions_e.swPropertyManagerOptions_OkayButton)] public class DataModelPageOpts { }
Attributes allow to customize the buttons and behaviour of the page
Page title can be assigned via DisplayNameAttribute
Icon can be set via overloaded constructor of PageOptionsAttribute
Custom user message to provide additional information can be set via MessageAttribute
[PageOptions(typeof(Resources), nameof(Resources.PageIcon), swPropertyManagerPageOptions_e.swPropertyManagerOptions_OkayButton)] [Message("Sample message for property page", "Sample Page")] [DisplayName("Sample Page")] public class DataModelPageAtts { }
Help Links
HelpAttribute allows providing links to help resources for your add-in. Framework will automatically open the specified url when user clicks corresponding help buttons in the property manager page:
[Help("<Help URL>", "<What's New URL>")] public class DataModelHelpLinks { }