Handling the life cycle of SOLIDWORKS macro feature

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MacroFeatureEx{TParams, THandler} Class overload of macro feature allows defining the handler class which will be created for each feature. This provides a simple way to track the macro feature lifecycle (i.e. creation time and deletion time).

using CodeStack.SwEx.MacroFeature;
using CodeStack.SwEx.MacroFeature.Base;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace CodeStack.SwEx
    public class LifecycleMacroFeatureParams

    public class LifecycleMacroFeatureHandler : IMacroFeatureHandler
        public void Init(ISldWorks app, IModelDoc2 model, IFeature feat)
            //feature is created or loaded
        public void Unload(MacroFeatureUnloadReason_e reason)
            switch (reason)
                case MacroFeatureUnloadReason_e.Deleted:
                    //feature is deleted

                case MacroFeatureUnloadReason_e.ModelClosed:
                    //model is closed

    public class LifecycleMacroFeature : MacroFeatureEx<LifecycleMacroFeatureParams, LifecycleMacroFeatureHandler>
        protected override MacroFeatureRebuildResult OnRebuild(LifecycleMacroFeatureHandler handler, LifecycleMacroFeatureParams parameters)
            //TODO: access handler to extract feature specific data

            return MacroFeatureRebuildResult.FromStatus(true);

Instance of the handler class will be created and disposed by framework. This approach is useful when macro feature needs to monitor the events of a specific file it resides.

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